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Reforming the IMF Surcharge Rate Policy to Avoid Procyclical Lending


Policy Brief

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) levies ‘surcharges’ or extra fees on member countries that either draw “substantial” amounts of IMF credit to mitigate balance of payments constraints, or that maintain their credit exposure with the institution for sufficiently long periods of time.

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The Practice of Sovereign Debt Sustainability Analysis


Policy Brief

Debt Sustainability Analyses (DSAs) have major implications for debt negotiations. The outcomes of these negotiations have distributional consequences between the debtor and its creditors on the one hand, and amongst creditors on the other hand.

Sovereign Debt Analysis Image, from Pexels
Debt Sustainability Assessments and their Role in the Global Financial Architecture


Working Paper

Debt Sustainability Analyses (DSAs) are documents that hold serious implications for both debtors and creditors in sovereign debt negotiations. DSAs are not merely technical assessments of countries’ capacity to take on debt but are also grounded in political assumptions.

Foreign Goods Photo Image
Financing international public goods: The role of MDBs and development assistance


Working Paper

One of the major issues in the global agenda in 2023 has been how to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the fight against climate change.

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IPD broadens dialogue on critical issues in developmental policy. 

Diverse stakeholders with a legitimate interest in policy outcomes often lack access to the process, information, and language necessary to participate effectively. IPD emphasizes diverse participation to enable civic involvement in economic policymaking.

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