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Tax Policy IPD image from Freepik
Equity Prices, Market Power, and Optimal Corporate Tax Policy


Working Paper

We study the optimal design of corporate tax policy in a textbook life-cycle model featuring two key deviations: (i) firms are imperfectly competitive and (ii) households save by purchasing equity shares in a stock market.

year of the jubilee Photo Image, from Pexels IPD
Addressing the debt and development crises in countries from the South in the year of the Jubilee


Policy Brief

A group of academic experts, practitioners, finance ministers, policymakers, authorities from international financial institutions, religious leaders, and experts from civil society organizations met at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) in the Vatican City on June 5, 2024, to discuss the current debt situation, especially in the Southern Hemisphere.

Capitalism Image from Freepik for IPD website
Growth and Fluctuations: An Overview


Working Paper

Capitalism since its inception has been marked by large fluctuations. The resulting episodic unemployment has been very costly. This paper provides an overview of alternative theories

IPD Photo Image from Freepik
Reforming the IMF Surcharge Rate Policy to Avoid Procyclical Lending


Policy Brief

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) levies ‘surcharges’ or extra fees on member countries that either draw “substantial” amounts of IMF credit to mitigate balance of payments constraints, or that maintain their credit exposure with the institution for sufficiently long periods of time.

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IPD broadens dialogue on critical issues in developmental policy. 

Diverse stakeholders with a legitimate interest in policy outcomes often lack access to the process, information, and language necessary to participate effectively. IPD emphasizes diverse participation to enable civic involvement in economic policymaking.

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