Latin America – China Economic Relations

IPD AI Insights


The economies of China and Latin America have become pillars of growth in today’s global economy. China’s lending to Latin America has reached $100 billion between 2005 and 2013. Now a key player in Latin America both in terms of trade and loan provision, China faces increasing challenges that are specific to the region’s political and economic situation.

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Task Force Chairs
  • José Antonio Ocampo
  • Kevin Gallagher
  • Margaret Myers
  • Stephany Griffith-Jones

The economies of China and Latin America have become pillars of growth in today’s global economy. China’s lending to Latin America has reached $100 billion between 2005 and 2013. Now a key player in Latin America both in terms of trade and loan provision, China faces increasing challenges that are specific to the region’s political and economic situation. How China handles its presence in Latin America will shape China’s future on the international stage. Yet, there is a marked lack of policy dialogue between China and countries in Latin America. China’s image and reputation in Latin America remains misunderstood, which has led to protests, legal battles, and economic disruption. China’s new leader, President Xi Jinping, recognizes Latin America as one of China’s most important economic partners and his recent visits to the continent have demonstrated China’s determination to improve this relationship. However, engagement among scholars from China and those from countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru have remained limited. IPD’s annual China-Latin America task force will continue to work with an international group of researchers to address this information gap. This groundbreaking program also provides annual travel and research stipend for eligible young scholars from Latin America, China and the U.S by attending the workshop and conduct field research.

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