IPD AI Insights

Contagion, Liberalization, and the OptimalStructure of Globalization

Advocates of capital market liberalization have long argued that it would lead to greater stability. Countries that are integrated into the global financial system could, if they faced a negative shock, borrow from the rest of the world. This would allow cross-country smoothing. There is, by now, considerable evidence against this conclusion.

Advocates of capital market liberalization argue that it leads to greater stability: countries faced with a negative shock borrow from the rest of the world, allowing cross-country smoothing. There is considerable evidence against this conclusion. This paper explores one reason: integration can exacerbate contagion; a failure in one country can more easily spread to others. It derives conditions under which such adverse effects overwhelm the putative positive effects. It explains how capital controls can be welfare enhancing, reducing the risk of adverse effects from contagion. This paper presents an analytic framework within which we can begin to address broader questions of optimal economic architectures.

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A group of academic experts, practitioners, finance ministers, policymakers, authorities from international financial institutions, religious
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