IPD AI Insights

Trade Task Force Meeting, New York City 2004

IPD task forces are responsible for summarizing the literature and presenting what is known and unknown about each issue in a policy-relevant manner.
IPD Topics Page

The purpose of the task forces is not to present a final opinion on issues, but instead to ensure that countries have a comprehensive understanding of the theory and evidence relevant to each issue, and to increase their ability to make better decisions for themselves.


Four principles of Trade are as follows: (i) A trade agreement should be assessed in terms of its impact on development, (ii) An agreement should be fair, (iii) An agreement should be fairly arrived at, (iv) Any agreement should retain for each country as wide a scope for the exercise of its national sovereignty, so long as it does not adversely impact others, and in particular, the trade of others.

  • Mauricio Cardenas
    Task Force Member
    Former Minister of Finance of Colombia and Professor of Practice
  • Andrew Charlton
    Task Force Member
    Research Fellow
    London School of Economics
  • Jomo Kwame Sundaram
    Task Force Member
    Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development
    United Nations
  • Aiman F. Mackie
    Task Force Member
    Ford Foundation
  • Kamal Malhotra
    Task Force Member
    Senior Adviser
    UN Development Program
  • Manuel Montes
    Task Force Member
    Senior Advisor
    Finance and Development
    The South Centre
  • Akbar Noman
    Task Force Member
    Senior Policy Fellow
    Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD)
  • José Antonio Ocampo
    Task Force Member
    Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia University and former Minister of Finance of Colombia
    Columbia University
  • Maria Angela Parra
    Task Force Member
    United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  • Andres Rodriguez Clare
    Task Force Chair
    Professor of Economics
    Pennsylvania State University
  • Dani Rodrik
    Task Force Chair
    Rafiq Hariri Professor of International Political Economy
    John F. Kennedy School of Government
    Harvard University
  • Joseph Stiglitz
    Task Force Member
    Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD)
  • James Tybout
    Task Force Member
    Professor of Economics
    Penn State University
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