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The 8th Arrow Lecture Career and Family: Collision Course or Confluence of Desires?

The annual Arrow Lecture honors economist Kenneth J. Arrow by featuring a scholar whose work addresses an aspect of his groundbreaking contributions to the field over the last 60 years.
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The Kenneth J. Arrow Lecture Series, published by Columbia University Press, highlights economists—from Nobel laureates to groundbreaking younger scholars—whose work builds on Arrow’s scholarship as well as his innovative spirit.  The 8th annual Arrow lecture features Professor Gloria Goldin, the Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University and director of the NBER’s Development of the American Economy program. She is an economic historian and a labor economist. In addition to Professor Kenneth Arrow and Professor Gloria Goldin, Professor Joseph Stiglitz from Columbia University and Professor Christopher Flinn from NYU will also join the event as discussants. This year’s event will take place from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, December 10th 2015. 


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