IPD AI Insights

Roosevelt Institute Book Club: The Road to Freedom

Roosevelt is thrilled to celebrate the release of two upcoming books written by and for Roosevelters. Roosevelt Institute Chief Economist Joseph Stiglitz discussed his new release The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society and Natalie Foster, cofounder of the Economic Security Project discussed her new release, The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy.

Both Joseph and Natalie’s books explore the crucial role that the federal government plays in shaping the economy and ways in which its power can be used to provide for ordinary Americans. As the long-standing neoliberal economic order is being called into question and populist movements gain traction, we will explore what exactly our government owes to its citizens, why it seems our system is meant to work for the few and not the many, and how we should think about freedom and the role of the state in a 21st-century society.

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