IPD AI Insights

Reclaim our Future Conference: ‘End Austerity! Reclaim the Right to Education, Health and Social Security’

This session presents the evidence about the new austerity policies, affecting more than 6 billion people. Which are these new policies? Where are they being implemented, and at what human cost? And which are the feasible alternatives that countries can apply to end austerity? You will learn key facts and messages from reports by ActionAid International, Financial Transparency Coalition, Human Rights Watch, OXFAM and Global Social Justice/IPD with many other CSOs.
End Austerity Photo Image


More than 330 civil society organizations and academics from across the world sent an open letter calling to IMF and World Bank Directors and governments to end austerity, prior to the IMF/WBG Annual Meetings.

SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order):

Isabel Ortiz, Director Global Social Justice

Matti Kohonen, Director Financial Transparency Coalition

Nabil Abdo, Senior Policy Advisor, Oxfam

Roos Saalbrink, Global Lead on Economic Justice and Public Services, ActionAid International

Sarah Saadoun, Senior Researcher and Advocate, Poverty and Inequality, Huma Rights Watch

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