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Presidential Economic Advisors Forum 2012 at Columbia University

This discussion will explore the importance of funding global health efforts, garnering multilateralism in recovery, and leveraging opportunities for a sustainable shift in society.

As cochair of the ACT-Acceleration Facilitation Council and upcoming member of the UN Security Council, Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s unique leadership position allows her to magnify the much-needed multilateral response to the current global health crisis. Norway’s initiative to establish the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund equally considers the immediate financial necessities as well as long term action plans needed to ensure a lasting recovery, furthering the progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This discussion will explore the importance of funding global health efforts, garnering multilateralism in recovery, and leveraging opportunities for a sustainable shift in society.

Columbia University students are invited to participate in a moderated question and answer session following the discussion.

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