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Launch of the End Austerity Campaign and Report

The session "End Austerity Now!" launched the End Austerity campaign (https://endausterity.org/) and reports such as End Austerity: A Global Report on Budget Cuts and Harmful Social Reforms in 2022-25. 85% of the world's population will live in the grip of stringent austerity measures by 2023. Some of the world’s leading experts presented short and powerful statements on why we need to end austerity now.
End Austerity Now Image


Sharan Burrow, Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) (Australia)

Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (India).

Cephas Lumina, former UN Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on human rights (Zambia).

Roberto Bissio, Coordinator of Social Watch and Third World Network (Uruguay).

Alexander Kentikelenis, Associate Professor of Sociology at Bocconi University, former researcher at Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard Universities (Greece)

J.P. Bohoslavsky, former UN Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on human rights (Argentina).

Isabel Ortiz, former Director at the United Nations ‘ ILO and UNICEF, currently Director Global Social Justice, Initiative for Policy Dialogue (Spain)

Matti Kohonen, Executive Director, Financial Transparency Coalition (Finland)

Grazielle Custódio, Economic Justice and Equity Regional Coordinator, Oxfam (Brazil)

Moderator: Chiara Mariotti, Senior Policy Advocacy Officer, Eurodad (Italy)

Click here to watch the event

Click here to read a press release which includes the launch of this report and the launch of the End Austerity Campaign.

Read “End Austerity: A Global Report on Budget Cuts and Harmful Social Reforms in 2022-25.

Read “Recovery at a Crossroads: How Countries Spent COVID-19 Funds

Click here to read a summary about budget cuts and austerity reforms in 2022-25 Click here to read a brief on nine alternatives to prevent austerity cuts Click here to read about what citizens can do to end austerity

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