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IPD Panel on Capital Account Regulation at IEA World Congress in Jordan on June 9th

IPD Co-President Jose Antonio Ocampo organized and chaired a panel on Capital Account Regulation at the Seventeenth IEA World Congress in Jordan on June 9th. The panel included expert speakers including Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Executive Director at the IMF; Dr. Jonathan Ostry, Deputy Director of Research at the IMF; Dr. Anton Korinek, Professor at the John Hopkins University; Dr. Erinc Yeldan, Professor at the Yasar University and Dr. Bilge Erten, post-doc scholar at Columbia University.
IEA Photo Image

Fifteen years after the launching of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, the post-2015 development agenda is being formulated in a world which is in many ways very different to its state at the start of the twenty first century. The distribution of economic power has shifted to newly emerging middle income countries, and there have been significant improvements in many dimensions of wellbeing. However, many development challenges remain, and new ones have emerged: there are still large numbers in income and non-income poverty; global forces are tending to increase inequality within countries; greater integration in trade and finance has come with increased volatility in national fortunes; climate change presents an ever present threat to development; failed and conflict affected states are stuck in a low development trap.

This panel will look ahead to the next two decades of development challenges, in light of the report of the United Nations Secretary General s High Level Panel on the post-2015 Development Agenda. The issues tackled by the panel include: (i) an assessment of the High Level Panel Report, (ii) the role of the private sector in advancing the development agenda, (iii) conceptualizing social protection as a central part of the development agenda, (iv) cross-border public goods and cooperation as a development challenge, (v) mobilizing public opinion behind development.


  • Bilge Erten
    Postdoctoral Research Scholar
    Committee on Global Thought
    Columbia University
  • José Antonio Ocampo
    Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia University and former Minister of Finance of Colombia
    Columbia University
  • Jonathan Ostry
    Deputy Director of the Research Department
    International Monetary Fund
  • Rakesh Mohan
    Distinguished Fellow
    Brookings India
  • Anton Korinek
    Assistant Professor
    John Hopkins University
  • Erinc Yeldan
    Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
    Yasar University
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