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Fiscal Space for Universal Health and Social Protection after the COVID19 Pandemic: How to Prevent Austerity

In 2020 governments have financed emergency care and urgent socioeconomic support to cope with COVID19. While this short-term expending was necessary, countries must also continue to invest in long-term universal health, social protection systems/floors and other SDGs.
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The funding gap remains vast and fiscal space limited given higher levels of debt and deficits in the post-COVID19 era. Adjustment cuts to social programs are not feasible; governments must look at progressive taxation, eliminating illicit financial flows and other revenue policies. In this session, we will explore all the equitable options available to countries to expand fiscal space to achieve the SDGs.


Isabel Ortiz, Director Global Social Justice Program, Initiative for Policy Dialogue

Myria Koutsoumpa, Global Health Advocate, Wemos

David Archer, Head, Action Aid

Cathy Pattillo, Assistant Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Moderator: Emma Burgisser, Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Project Manager, The Bretton Woods Project


Fiscal Space for Universal Health and Social Protection after the COVID19 Pandemic: How to Prevent Austerity

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