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Decentralization Task Force Meeting, New York City 2006

Decentralization is on the policy agenda all over the world. Although real experiments are under way in scores of countries and literally hundreds of empirical studies have been conducted, the economic and political effects of decentralization are still unclear.
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Furthermore, the key determinants that differentiate successful from unsuccessful decentralization strategies are largely unknown. The fact that many countries are still involved in some form of decentralization programs gives rise to the concern that these are “shots in the dark.”

At their second meeting on February 16-17, 2006 at Columbia University, the task force isolated the sources of disagreement among competing perspectives and used case studies to illustrate the impact of decentralization programs. The stated goal was to develop a comprehensive catalogue of policy analysis useful to policymakers and civil society. The task force also met to present new research and papers for critique and to discuss the most recent draft of the task force overview report.


  • Pranab K. Bardhan
    Task Force Member
    Professor of Economics
    University of California, Berkeley
  • Tim Besley
    Task Force Member
    Kuwait Professor of Economics and Political Science
    London School of Economics
  • Ali Cheema
    Task Force Member
    Head of Economics Department
    Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Jean-Paul Faguet
    Task Force Chair
    London School of Economics
  • Francisco H.G. Ferreira
    Task Force Member
    Economics Research
    The World Bank
  • Juan Pablo Jimenez
    Task Force Member
    Economic Affairs Officer
    Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC-UN)
  • Stuti Khemani
    Task Force Member
    Economist, Development Research Group (Public Services Team)
    World Bank
  • Asim Khwaja
    Task Force Member
    Assistant Professor of Public Policy
    Harvard University
  • Dilip Mookherjee
    Task Force Member
    Professor of Economics
    Boston University
  • Daniel Treisman
    Task Force Member
  • Renato Villela
    Task Force Member
    Deputy Secretary of Finance
    The State of Rio de Janeiro
  • Federico Weinschelbaum
    Task Force Member
    Associate Professor
    Department of Economics
    Universidad de San Andres
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