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Call for Papers: JGD Special Issue on Gendered Effects of Globalization in Developing Countries

Over the last thirty years, the dramatic increase in global economic integration and rapid pace of globalization has had substantial effects across the developing world. While the aggregate effects of globalization are well documented, the different impacts of globalization on men and women have received less attention.
Journal of Globalization and Development Book Cover Image

This special issue will focus on the gendered impacts of globalization in lower- and middle-income countries. The Journal of Globalization and Development is pleased to welcome Bilge Erten (Northeastern University) and Jessica Leight (International Food Policy Research Institute) as guest editors for the special issue.

Examples of globalization-related shocks or phenomena to be examined could potentially include:

  • Trade liberalization, WTO accession, and access to advanced country markets
  • Foreign direct investment and other investment flows
  • Financial liberalization and capital flows
  • Migration and remittances

Examples of gendered impacts that could be examined could potentially include:

  • Labor market outcomes by gender, including informal labor markets
  • Health outcomes by gender, including mortality and self-reported health
  • Fertility and intrahousehold decision making
  • Gendered patterns of poverty
  • Intergenerational impacts on children, both boys and girls
  • Gender-based violence, including domestic violence

The authors are open to both theoretical and empirical work, and proposals of 1500 words or less are due June 15, 2022. The proposal should include the question(s), research method, and any preliminary findings if available. Please email proposals to gp2535@gsb.columbia.edu with the subject line: “JGD Special Issue on Gendered Effects of Globalization.”

Accepted authors will be notified by August 15, 2022, and should be willing to commit to presenting a draft version of their papers at a virtual or in-person conference on October 14. In order to be considered for inclusion in the special issue, papers will be due December 20, 2022. All papers will be refereed, and publication of the special issue is targeted by June 2023.

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