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CAFRAL-IPD Conference on “Capital Account Management and Macro-Prudential Regulation for Financial Stability and Growth”

The Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), in collaboration with the Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) at Columbia University, held a two day international conference in New Delhi on "Capital Account Management and Macro-Prudential Regulation for Financial Stability and Growth" during 13-14 January 2014.
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The objective of the conference was to discuss how systemic risk can build up in the financial sector and ways to prevent it from rising excessively.

The conference drew participation from policy makers, central bankers, multilateral institutions, policy think tanks and academia from several countries including India.

  • The conference recognised cross border financial flows and excessive leverage as key sources of systemic risk and emphasised the need for policy makers to ensure that they had in their tool kit sufficient number of instruments encompassing fiscal, monetary, exchange rate, macro prudential and capital flow measures to address such a risk.
  • The conference also emphasised the need for central banks and the governments to work together, especially at times of stress.
  • The conference noted that to the extent managing systemic risk has become an important objective, some pre-crisis notions such as central bank autonomy, inflation targeting and freer capital flows need to be revisited.
  • There was also consensus that monetary policies of advanced economies have significant spillover impact on EDEs imposing macroeconomic costs on them and that advanced economies have to be sensitive to these spill overs and share the burden of adjustment.

The participants include financial sector regulators, researchers, financial sector practitioners and stakeholders, industry and trade representatives, government officials, media and those interested in public policy.

  • Kevin P. Gallagher
    Professor of Global Development Policy
    Global Development Policy Center
    Boston University
  • Louis Kasekende
    Chief Economist
    African Development Bank
  • Manuel Agosin
    Dept of Finance
    Universidad de Chile
  • Usha Throat
  • Andrew Sheng
    Fung Global Institute
  • Sir John Gieve
    Former Deputy Governor
    Bank of England
  • Paulo Nogueira Batista
    Executive Director Brazil
    International Monetary Fund
  • Adair Lord Turner
    Former Chairman
    UK Financial Services Authority
  • Montek Singh Ahluwalia
    Former Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission
    Planning Commission, India
  • Nemat Shafik
    Deputy Managing Director
    International Monetary Fund
  • Sukhdave Singh
    Deputy Governor
    Bank Negara Malaysia
  • Deepak Mohanty
    Executive Director
    Reserve Bank of India
  • Amar Bhattacharya
    G24 Secretariat
  • C. Rangarajan
  • Bimal Jalan
  • YV Reddy
    Emeritus Professor of Economics
    University of Hyderabad
  • D. Subbarao – Anchor
  • P. Chidambaram
    Minister of Finance
    Govt. of India
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