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National Insititute of Population and Social Security Research

The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research was established as a national institution for policy studies under the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in December 1996. We are conducting research on the socioeconomic background of changes in Japanese population and projecting the future national population. In addition, we are conducting research in various fields of social security, such as pension, medical care, long-term care, and child care. Also, we are conducting theoretical and empirical research to clarify the interrelationship among population, economy, society, and social security.

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National Council of Applied Economic Research

NCAER is an independent, non-profit research institution that is committed to assist government, civil society and the private sector to make informed policy choices. The Council encourages research on Indian themes using Indian data. NCAER is dedicated to the goal of connectivity and seeks to establish interlinkages with research institutions interested in the areas of industry and infrastructure development, macroeconomic analysis and human development.

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Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

LUISS Guido Carli is a private Italian university located in the heart of Rome. The University aims to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the development and transmission of scientific, technological, and classical knowledge and understanding. It is committed to promoting and organizing research activities, educating both culturally and professionally, and contributing with the transfer of innovation.

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Fundacion Agenda Colombia

The Foundation Agenda Colombia is a private entity which main objective is to promote the debate of topics such as economy, policy, social development and the environment. The goal is that during the course of this discussion, a space for pluralist and inclusive dialogues are formed aiming to create a more democratic analysis of public policy issues. The advocacy mission that the Foundation promotes also intends to make more visible and to bring to the public debate all those issues that have been underestimated or forgotten by the both the government and the private sector of the country.

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