Towards A New Global Reserve System

The economic crisis has resulted in renewed attention to the creation of a new global reserve system. Some of the reasons should be obvious. At least since the beginning of the century, the dollar has no longer seemed a good store of value; its value has been volatile and apparently subject to secular decline. But the crisis has further undermined confidence in the U.S. economy and its management, and thus the dollar as a reserve currency

“The Resolution of Debt Crises: The Policy and Research Agenda”, was a one day seminar organized by UNCTAD and IPD, held February 11, 2011 at Columbia University in New York City.

A Financial Transaction Tax

Dr. Stephany Griffith-Jones contributed a policy paper on financial transaction taxes to Fabian Society’s recently published book, The Great Rebalancing. The paper advocates for the implementation of a financial transaction tax in the United Kingdom and discusses the benefits of such a tax in Europe.

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