Using data from the BIS and the IMF, we look at the impact of MNBs on credit supply and on financial stability in less industrialized economies. MNBs focus their activities predominantly on serving MNCs, and on providing services that domestic banks cannot offer to domestic corporations, and high net worth individual. This increased competition in certain low risk market segments entices domestic banks to lower their credit exposure in the early stages of international financial competition. However, as MNBs continue to operate and to grow their market shares in less industrialized economies, domestic banks become more confident with the new competitive situation, eventually increasing their loans, especially to the enterprise sector. Both consequences of increased international financial competition – early credit crunches, and later credit growth – can have real implications in the form of lowered business investment or financial instabilities, unless adequate regulatory and supervisory structures are installed.
US president-elect Joe Biden wants to massively increase investment in everything from clean energy to
- 01/22/2021
- Network Papers