IPD AI Insights

Proposal for Regulatory Reform

The present financial crisis has led to massive bail-outs and very costly public recapitalizations of many financial institutions in those affected countries. The crisis threatens to lead to an unacceptably serious recession in developed countries and a massive slowdown globally.

Policy Brief #1

The present financial crisis has led to massive bail-outs and very costly public recapitalizations of many financial institutions in those affected countries. The crisis threatens to lead to an unacceptably serious recession in developed countries and a massive slowdown globally. As a consequence, political appetite for more and better regulation is significant. Indeed, steps are beginning to be taken to improve regulation.

The key question in policy circles at present is therefore not whether to regulate, but how best to do it. In thinking about the future shape of the financial system and its regulation, it is important to be clear about its purpose.


About the Author

Stephany Griffith-Jones
Financial Markets Program Director
Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD)

Stephany Griffith-Jones is an economist specialising in international finance and development, with emphasis on reform of the international and national financial system, especially in relation to financial regulation and global governance. She is Financial Markets Director at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University. Previously she was Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University. She was Director of International Finance at the Commonwealth Secretariat and worked at UN DESA and ECLAC. She was senior consultant to governments in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa and many international agencies, including the World Bank, the IADB, the European Commission, UNDP and UNCTAD. She was a member of the Warwick Commission on financial regulation. She currently is theme leader on finance in the ESRC /DFID growth programme for LICs, especially African ones. She has published over 20 books and many scholarly and journalistic articles. Her books include Time for the Visible Hand, Lessons from the 2008 crisis, edited jointly with José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph Stiglitz.

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