But it is silly to conclude from this, as some supporters of China’s policies have done, that a more competitive exchange rate is always better for growth, and that currency revaluation is necessarily bad for growth. While the incentive to invest will necessarily be greater with a more competitive exchange rate, the ability to invest may be curtailed by a shortage of investible resources as real resources are diverted into a current account surplus and low-yielding reserve accumulation. Growth is maximized where the increased incentive to invest (demand side) is just balanced by the decreased ability to invest (supply side). The paper constructs a formal model to illustrate this trade-off. It also discusses the range of instruments that may help a government to limit the capital inflows that might otherwise threaten to produce an overvalued currency in good times, and it discusses the problem of inconsistent payments objectives that could arise in a world such as that portrayed.
US president-elect Joe Biden wants to massively increase investment in everything from clean energy to
- 01/22/2021
- Network Papers