A similar set of critical factors can be identified and a common model can explain both the economic performances and the crises. The fiscal issue is the second key point considered in the paper. It is shown that the public debt dynamics in the second half of the nineties resulted mainly from the cumulative effect of high interest rates (pushed-up by the rise in the country risk premium) after the Asian and Russian crises. The interest payments were the main factor behind the increase of the fiscal deficit in 1998-2001. The fall in the social security system revenues also contributed to that increase. It was mainly a consequence of the recession and the employment contraction that took place from mid-1998. The fiscal deficit rose in spite of a simultaneous significant increase in the primary surplus. In order to give support to these assertions, the paper presents a detailed review of fiscal data and new estimations of the public debt evolution. In the second part of the paper the analysis stresses the role played by the capital flows and the negative effects of the appreciated exchange rate and the macroeconomic volatility on the performance of the labor market.
US president-elect Joe Biden wants to massively increase investment in everything from clean energy to
- 01/22/2021
- Network Papers