Viet Nam

Since the start of the economic reform program doi moi (renovation) in 1989, Viet Nam has experienced consistently high growth rates and extraordinary achievements in poverty reduction. The country is on a steady path of integration into the world economy and is currently negotiating its terms of accession to the WTO.


In March 2001, IPD and its partner, the Center for Policy Alternatives (CPA), hosted a policy forum, which brought together senior government officials, academics, NGOs, labor representatives and journalists during a time of deep reform implementation and a push towards rapid liberalization.


The government in Nigeria is the dominant player in the economy, with government spending comprising 50 percent of GDP. The oil sector, which provides 90 percent of the foreign exchange, is controlled by the government and generates 70 percent of its revenues.


Over the past decade, GDP in Moldova fell by more than 70 percent and the debt ballooned from zero in 1991 to approximately 150 percent of GDP in 2002. Reforms from the 1990s led to temporary economic stability, but not poverty reduction or growth. Policymakers—both those in government and those in the opposition—began to search for alternative solutions.


At the invitation of President Marc Ravalomanana, in August 2004, the Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) helped the the Government of Madagascar to analyze alternative policy solutions for the depreciation of Malagasy Franc and ensuing currency crisis, the reform of the banking sector, as well as the challenges of rural development.


Indonesia was the country worst affected by the East Asian crisis; its real GDP fell by 13.1% in 1998, more than any of the other crisis countries. During the crisis, Indonesia’s exchange rate depreciated by 80%, which quintupled the value of foreign currency denominated debt and caused the prices of most assets used as collateral to collapse.


With the rapid expansion of the Chinese economy, corporate governance has become a high priority both for the government presiding over the transition to a more market based economy, and the businesses and shareholders at the core of market development.

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