IPD AI Insights

Iraq’s Legacy: Sanctions and Beyond

The Initiative for Policy Dialogue and Fairfield University jointly present, Iraq's Legacy: Sanctions and Beyond. This event will feature Hans-Christof von Sponeck and Joy Gordon.
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Hans-Christof von Sponeck served in the United Nations for 32 years. His assignments included head of mission in Botswana, Pakistan, and India; UNDP Director, European Office in Geneva; and Coordniator for Iraq at rank of UN Assistant Secretary General. He is currently teaching at the University of Marburg.


Joy Gordon is the author of Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions (Harvard University Press, 2010), listed by Foreign Policy as one of the best books published in 2010. She teaches in the Philosophy Department at Fairfield University. Her work can be found at www.invisiblewar.net.

This event will be held on Monday, September 24, 2012 from 6-8pm in Room 1512 of the International Affairs Building. Space is limited for this event and seating will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

  • Hans-Christof von Sponeck
    Marburg University

    Hans-C. von Sponeck received his education in Germany, the UK and the US, holds a PhD h.c. (University of Marburg), and served in the United Nations for 32 years. His assignments included head of mission in Botswana, Pakistan, and India; UNDP Director, European Office in Geneva; and Coordinator for Iraq at rank of UN Assistant Secretary General. He is currently teaching at the University of Marburg.

  • Joy Gordon
    Professor of Philosophy
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Fairfield University

    Joy Gordon is the author of Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions (Harvard University Press, 2010), listed by Foreign Policy as one of the best books published in 2010. She has also published in Le Monde Diplomatique, Ethics and International Affairs, Global Governance, Arab Studies Quarterly, and the Chicago Journal of International Law. She teaches in the Philosophy Department at Fairfield University. Her work can be found at www.invisiblewar.net.


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