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IPD’s Co-President Jose Antonio Ocampo Nominated for World Bank Presidency

In late March, Jose Antonio Ocampo became one of the first non-US citizens to be nominated for the role of World Bank President. Since his nomination, he has received overwhelming support from his colleagues, professional affiliates, and organizations due to his extensive experience in working with and alleviating development issues.
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Prior to becoming a professor at Columbia University and co-founding the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, he served as Colombia’s finance minister and the head of its Central Bank, as well as the United Nations Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs.

This page offers several documents and links that provide additional insight into his ideas and strategies on leading a more effective World Bank, as well as formalize the support he has received from so many colleagues, professionals and development experts in the form of a petition that was put together by the Committee to Elect Jose Antonio Ocampo.

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