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iPD President Stiglitz Gives Keynote At UNESCAP Seminar in Delhi on Global Economic Outlook

On January 14, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific’s South and South-West Asia Office (ESCAP-SSWA) hosted their annual high-level Seminar in New Delhi entitled “Future of the World Economy and Globalization in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Developing Economies.

Over 200 international policy-makers, prize-winning economists, development experts and scholars were in attendance. Notable speakers included Nobel Laureate and IPD President Professor Joseph Stiglitz as the keynote deliverer, as well as IPD Vice-President and former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations Professor Jose Antonio Ocampo and Chief Economist and Director of the ESCAP-SSWA Office, Dr. Nagesh Kumar.

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