The primary focus of this chapter is an analysis of economic reforms, post-reform performance and future prospects of both economies. In Section 2, I describe the state of the two economies as they initiated their development efforts, their politico-economic social frameworks, and their achievements in terms of important socioeconomic indicators; Section 3 is devoted to their pre reform development strategies. In the subsequent two sections, I describe the background to, the rationale for, and contents of reforms in China since 1978 (Section 4), and in India since 1991 (Section 5). I concentrate primarily on reforms of foreign trade, industry and the financial sectors. I discuss agricultural reforms only briefly, primarily because the reforms of the two countries are not comparable, with India yet to initiate significant reforms. Section 6 details the achievements of reforms in both countries. Section 7 concludes with an assessment of yet to be initiated, but needed, reforms and the likely future prospects of the two economies.
US president-elect Joe Biden wants to massively increase investment in everything from clean energy to
- 01/22/2021
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