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Now available: “Rewriting The Rules of the European Economy”

Europe today is still in a state of crisis, having experienced stagnation and sluggish growth over the past decade. The further success of the European project depends largely on the overall well-being of European citizens and the place Europe can maintain in a harmonious, globalised world.

Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy Image

Europe today is still in a state of crisis, having experienced stagnation and sluggish growth over the past decade. The further success of the European project depends largely on the overall well-being of European citizens and the place Europe can maintain in a harmonious, globalised world.

In the new FEPS publication, Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz presents in cooperation with a large number of European scholars a different vision of the economic and social policy of European Union. He highlights in a detailed analysis how the rules, institutions and policies need to be rewritten in order to continue the European way in line with the renewal of the vision the EU’s founding fathers had over 60 years ago.

The book develops ideas of a modern European welfare state, addresses the widely known market failures and gives indication of changing the Stability and Growth pact for a true Employment, Stability and Growth initiative.

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